Christian Love
By Hugh Binning
Christian Love
By Hugh Binning
Paperback, 106 pp.
A devotional treatise beginning with John 13:35 as its text: "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." Chapter 2 includes an exposition of the famous chapter from Paul describing Christian Charity: 1 Corinthians 13.
This treatise deserves special attention in our day when the urging of Christian love and peace is often so unrestrained that truth, purity of worship, and zeal for duty must all give way to love and unity. This author was rather zealous for a perfect harmony of love, unity, truth, zeal, etc. and will not leave the reader feeling uncertain how faithful he ought to be to Biblical doctrine, or ashamed because he was not willing to forget God's truth. Still, he may expect to learn those authentic lessons of love and humility which will make his efforts to promote truth and godliness the more acceptable to both strangers and brethren.
Hugh Binning was a Scottish Covenanter, and finished his course in the year 1653.